Sunday 4 March 2018

Day 5,

we are going shopping,

 to Croydon,

 taking the tram-link,

 which conveniently for Diana,

 runs past a huge KFC, which when we visited actually had some chicken,

 but this week things took a turn for the even worse, the chain allegedly has run out of gravy!

 hunger sated it was time to have a walk,

 and look around the High Street,

 then retracing our steps we went to Surrey Street open air market,

 I should have mentioned we did a bit of shopping in the High Street,

 lots of fresh fruit here,

 especially bananas,

 each bowl just £1,

 lots of soft fruit too,

 with other stalls,

 selling vegetables, 

some by the sack load,

 and some really hot peppers,

 sale made,

 these eggplant or aubergine as they are known, are related to the deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna, commonly known as belladonna or deadly nightshade, it is a perennial herbaceous plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, and aubergine, strange how one member of a plant group is safe to eat, whilst the other can kill you,

 and a fresh fish shop is here as well,

 shopping over it was the tram-link back to Steve and Kai's,

 in the evening a huge meal,

 a salmon salad,



 and another huge pizza for our evening meal,

 and as I do not eat pizza, pasta, lasagna etc, some beef burgers,

 which were just so nice, 'Cheers!',

and to round the meal off, some soft fruits that we bought in the market, plus some meringue and cream to make a great Eton mess, we then watched some television before going to bed.

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