Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Thursday, 30 September 2021
I Awoke Feeling Much Better,
I Must Remember,
The First Question,
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
I Awoke Feeling A Lot Better,
so much so I was gong to join the queue to buy some fuel,
the plan was that I would pick up Steve and drive down to see Duncan, but it all fell apart when I got up, the room just seemed to have a slight sideways tilt and the ceiling was moving, the best way I can describe the sensation is if you have ever had far too much to drink and laid down the room seems to revolve, anyway driving was defiantly out for today, also as it happens the queues for fuel were still so long, Diana left for work in the morning,
As Far As I Am Concerned There Are Two Types Of Fast,
What Is CO2?
it is in fact carbon dioxide,
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Had A Sleep In,
and did not wake up until 08.00,
and even then did not feel rested, Diana had a 2 hour driving lesson around midday, when she left I went back to bed and slept like a log, the good news was that I did not have a sore throat or cough, just hot, cold and dizzy, I was having a feeling that I was suffering from lack of sleep and this was my bodies way of saying it, when Diana calls at 2 or sometimes 3 in the morning I stay up waiting for her call and meet her at the bus stop, arriving home Diana then sleeps for 9 hours or so, but for myself I am up to make the first post at roughly 06.30, I stay up all day as I do not sleep in the day, as it happens this week for two successive nights I have had very little sleep and this has been going on for a number of months, anyway that is my take on it, so I have decided to rearraign my schedule, I will now sleep in until 08.00 and then only make three posts, one about us and two about things we find interesting or strange, you never know it might work! as an aside I mentioned a couple of days ago my medication had not arrived in the usual time frame, according to this article and I quote:
'Deliveries of over-the-counter drugs and prescriptions to pharmacies are being disrupted due to a lack of van drivers, according to reports.'
so that explains the late delivery, I must remember to reorder 4 or even 5 days in advance in future, also from the article:
'according to the paper, pharmacists warn the issue could get worse due to an increase in demand in winter.'
back to Monday, we had a quiet day, in the evening Diana made some soup, we watched a Lewis and then I went to bed, at the unbelievably early time for me of 11.00 in the evening! hopefully another good nights sleep and I will be back to normal.
When I Looked At This Photograph,
If You Are Lucky Enough To Live In Or Be In Japan,
Monday, 27 September 2021
I Am Only Making One Post Today,
Sunday, 26 September 2021
I Had To Pick Up My Medication Today,
I Find This Incredible,
These Creatures,
the reason of course is cost, as Robert Ballard, Ocean Researcher noted:
"If you compare NASA's annual budget to explore the heavens, that one year budget would fund NOAA's budget to explore the oceans for 1,600 years."
NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
here is the amazing video the stills were taken from, you can see more from Semenov on his site, even today how little we know about our own planet.