Friday, 1 March 2019

There Are Various Ways Criminals,

can try to defeat being identified the law,

plastic surgery is one that springs to mind, along with identity theft, but now law enforcement have another weapon in their recognition arsenal, if you thought face recognition was good, there is now the technology to identify how you walk! facial recognition technology has come a long way in recent years, but it still has a fundamental weakness – it needs to “see” people’s faces in order to identify them, so if someone’s face is covered or if their back is to the camera, it’s basically useless, gait recognition, on the other hand, is much more reliable, it works from virtually any angle, and because it analyses so many metrics, it can identify subjects even if they attempt to cover their legs, disguises or fake limps are not very effective in fooling the technology either, “Covering your legs would reduce the recognition score but we analyse all of a person’s body,” Huang Yongzhen, co-founder and chief executive of Watrix, said in an interview, “With facial recognition people need to look into a camera – cooperation is not needed for them to be recognized [by our technology].” above photograph by

the technology has been tested by public security officials for thousands of hours and used to solve dozens of police cases, authorities in Shanghai and Beijing are already using gait recognition to detect wanted criminals and identify jaywalkers, the current version of gait recognition software isn’t yet capable of detecting people in real time, but the Chinese startup claims that it’s able to analyze an hour’s worth of video footage in just 10 minutes, with over 94% accuracy,

as soon as I read this I knew straight away what the answer to Gait Technology is, call in the professionals to disguise your walk, and who to call? the Ministry of Silly Walks of course!

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