Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Children You Will Not Play Under That Tree, You Are Killing It!

yes that is what the council's principal arboricultural officer Diana Oviatt-Ham said, in a statement that is like something out of Monty Python, 2 and 3 year old kids have been banned from playing under the tree, Cambridge City Council gave a report into the health of the tree at the Under Fives Roundabout Pre-School in Cambridge, It argues the tree - which covers half the playground - will suffer if the ground is "poached and compacted" by "constant activity" which could stop water reaching the roots, the report recommends: "Ideally, the children would not be able to play beneath the tree."

Eileen Hori, chairman of the nursery's management committee and parent, said the tree is now better protected than ever, she said: "Before the tree had branches broken off and was played under and climbed on by children and adults, "People littered on it, dogs and cats went to the toilet on it and tramps slept under it - and yet the tree still thrived, Mrs Hori said the pre-school has a maximum of 34 pupils with no more than 12 playing outside at anyone time. just goes to show how disruptive those 2 and 3 year old kids feet can be!

Council official, Diana Oviatt-Ham you are an idiot!

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