Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Good News For Some, Sad News For Many, Or Is That The Other Way Around?

this will be the last blog until next week, two friends of ours Steve and Kai have arrived from the UK, so we are travelling up to Bangkok to see them first thing tomorrow, we will overnight there and then on to the River Kwai, but first Jay and Precil called in to say Hi! Precil had brought some goodies over from the Philippines for Diana, so Jay and I had a beer, then onto the trains, I had found that to get the ballast to stick on the shoulders of the underlay, if I used a latex glue, left it overnight then vacuumed the surplus up I could then ballast the center of the track the following day, Diana has continued to paint the rocks, I still have to finish the background coat of green,
careful with the glue!
then I use a shaker to sprinkle on the ballast,
and hover up to reuse what is left over for the next day,
Diana is having a bit of a problem in reaching the white bit in the middle,
but the rocks at the side are no problem,
still lots of undercoat to go,
this is the track glued and ready to be covered,
the shoulders on this piece of track are now covered, next time I will ballast the center and then seal it with a mixture of PVA/water, 50/50 and a few drops of washing up liquid to break the surface tension of the water,
this piece has now been glued, sprinkled and left to dry overnight, the next time we are working on the railways I will hover up the surplus,
now 4 sections of track ready to be sprinkled,
just like that!
these will be left overnight for the glue to set,
then on to the next section,
steady hand needed!
again sprinkled and then left over night,
I then started, as a change of jobs to play around with some more of the tufts of grass,
I must admit for me they look quite effective,
then time for our evening meal, some boiled corn for dessert, (cottage pie for main course, I should finish it in a week or so!), we will buy some as we leave the market,
some vegetables for Diana,
now this is something I have never seen before, an upright sausage bar-b-q, not quite sure what you would call it if you wanted to buy one, just do not over cook them or there will be no sticks left!
fresh oranges also for dessert,
some bits and pieces on a stick for Diana,
last stop some corn on the cob,
then feet up to watch a DVD or two, first Rameses: Wrath of God or Man? very enjoyable, but a 90 minuet program made out of 30 minuets of content, it seemed like every five or six minuets the program would go back to the beginning repeat everything just to add on another 2 or 3 minuet section by the end of 90 minuets we had seen the same skull taken out of the same burial chamber at least 7 or 8 times, but still the skill full reconstruction of the features of the firstborn son of Rameses, Amun-her khepeshef and his demise, along with the explanation of biblical events was thoroughly watchable,
then to a film we had watched at the cinema not to long ago, Sherlock Holmes, a great watchable film, I must admit I do hope they do a squeal, as you know who is still around! then off to bed, but as I said at the opening of the blog this will be the last till early next week hope you all can call in then, best regards, Stan and diana.

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