Sunday, 17 December 2017

Good News At Last,

pretty much all of the programs that I had before the computer crashed,

 are up and running, with just one slight wobble, Photoshop now does not recognize my RAW pictures in RW2, the format that Panasonic cameras shoot in, so I have to use another program to convert them into a TIFF file, which makes things a bit more laborious as I can only process one at a time instead of batch processing, but there it is, on to Saturdays maintenance, 40% of the water out,

 and then replaced,

 I just hope the fish appreciate all of this! as I was doing this Diana was cleaning out the cats pool,

 a quick stop to get the tires pumped up,

 and we parked opposite The Grand Day/Night Hotel, and popped into TukCom, I wanted to buy a 2.5mm double ended socket to join two cables for the remote cable release for the cameras, but alas it appears that in Thailand 2.5mm sockets are not available, so back to plan B, as Phonce is always saying in Rare Birds, a great film for us by the way,

 on to the evening, we enjoyed the 'pot cooked', ribs we had last week so much as a starter Diana bought some more yesterday at the market,

 the outdoor kittens that have adopted us knew they were in for a treat as well,

 as three of them waited patiently,

 on to our main course, 

 when we were having an Indian meal during the week, we deliberately over ordered so we would have some for this evening,

 butter chicken,

 chicken tikka marsala,

peas pulao rice and chicken kebabs,

 then a real treat, 

 Diana had been busy in the kitchen,

 mince pies with fresh cream and ice cream, diet starts tomorrow!

 then it was walkies time,

 for Marina,

 who took Diana,

 for a walk,

 around the front yard,

we listen to music until nearly the midnight hour, then for us we were off to bed.

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