Sunday, 5 October 2008

Who says I do not live dangerously?

trouble at the Dynasty Court Hotel, Philippines,
quote from DaBar,
"Tonight I was out enjoying the late night ambiance of `Night Cafe' (we eat there last week) when there was a loud blast from a few blocks away.
A short while later I encountered a friend who informed me that a `bomb' had been detonated in the Lounge at The Dynasty Court Hotel" (we stayed there last week)
looking out from the Dynasty,
According to local radio there was a fight in the Disco involving former Mayor Emano's son. He was heard by many making threats telling them to watch out when they went outside.

Dynasty Hotel restaurant,

A large crowd gathered outside and a few minutes later a fragment grenade was tossed into the crowd. The explosion was outside The hotel. Emano's (son) is considered the number one suspect,
not anything to do with terrorists, but it was a good job he did not have a gun! what a callous disregard for fellow human beings.

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