Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Down Town For 'Loy Kratong'

unfortunately it will be in two parts as the second part is in Mick's memory chip!

I have started on the blog straight away as the Internet is worse than usual, whilst the the girls were getting ready we made our way along Walking Street, the Loy Kratong festival is celebrated all over Thailand, a Kratong, which normally should be made from natural products is placed on water, a few coins are also placed on it and a lighted candle, then it is sent out to sea or placed on a river or pond, different legends surround the origins of Loy Kratong,

the most popular version is it was an expression of gratitude to the goddess of water 'Phra Mae Kongka' others say that in the kratong you send away all of the bad things that have happened to you in the past year and also that your hopes, wishes and aspirations will be granted for the coming year,

I used to enjoy watching up above hundreds of 'khom loy' (floating lanterns) drift into the night sky, above Pattaya beach on their way out to sea, these large balloon-like lanterns are released at temples and sometimes from private homes in the hope that misfortune flies away with them, unfortunately that sight is no longer with us as they are banned from Pattaya beach,

every year outside the Marine bar local business's make their 'Kratong's',
I hate to think how many hours it must take to make these,
but there were not as many as there were last year,
we then made our way to Dang's bar on the corner of Soi Diamond and Walking Street,
always easy to find as this is where the kebab stall is,
Mark and Anchisa,
Jay with flowers for Precil,
Mick and Mark,
guess who and Jay?
still waiting for the girls and Mike to arrive, Mike was kind enough to give them a lift from the make up shop,
two of the ladies from Dang's bar in traditional costume,
Anchisa with a rose from Mark,
Dang's bar is just opposite the stairs to the Shark go-go,
whilst there Chris called by for a beer, and now wee will have to wait for Mick to call around with his memory chip.

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