Tuesday, 31 December 2013

We Had A Busy Day,

we had not paid much attention to the aquariums,

 so it was a major clean up ahead, plants and tree roots out,

 we then moved some of the large fish from one aquarium to the other,

 we decided to keep this one for small fish, so after cleaning we refilled it,

 moving all of the big fish to this one,

 which holds 50% more water as it is longer and wider,

 the downside was that we had very few small fish,

 so off to the fish and cheep shop on Third Road,

 '5 of those, 5 of those and 10 of those please',

 and the catching began,

 Diana took this picture of one of the many colours of crayfish that are now available,

 and of these tetras,

 not sure about the purple gravel though,

 as well as keeping their stock in aquariums concrete rings made into pools are also used to show off the shops display,

one bag of fish later and we were on our way, all in all about 30 fish for for 570 baht, which is quite reasonable when there were 10 cardinal tetras, (Paracheirodon axelrodi) included, 

Mick called round in the afternoon, after we said our goodbyes we watched the new Lone Ranger on cable television, it seems to have had a few poor reviews but we loved it, the action sequences were so full of, well action! after we ate our evening meal it was time for the new The Chase which is shown every Monday evening, great fun as we both shouted out the answers, not necessarily the correct ones though, we followed that with some of the excellent New Tricks series 10, a couple from Cheers, next for us we were off to bed.

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