Monday, 10 December 2018

Is There Anything That The Loony Left,

will not complain about?

they are now arguing about the choice of name for the colour of a paint! 

Pantone has announced their colour of the year for 2019: PANTONE 16-1546, or to use the common name, Living Coral. Pantone describes the colour as lighthearted, optimistic, and playful, the loonies on social media reacted to the news with scorn, accusing Pantone of downplaying the environmental disaster that is destroying coral around the world, and using the colour and name to sell stuff, as if there are not enough problems in the world, fools are arguing about a paint colour! I am with Pantone on this one, Pantone has identified living coral as the color of optimism, what a better statement can there be that that, and as for the fools that disagree, get a life, or are you next going to object about ivory white or elephant grey?

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