Saturday, 21 June 2014

There Are Some Days That Never Go Right,

take this raccoon for example,

if things were not bad enough getting your head stuck in a peanut butter jar,

you then have to be rescued from the top of a power pole, the three-hour rescue on Wednesday took place near the foot of the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, this from the article, 'We have a very happy raccoon,' Fort Erie SPCA manager Wendy Trombley said after setting the animal free, Hydro staff did a quick canvass of the the neighbourhood before shutting off the power to protect animal, control officer Mark Dickson and the raccoon during the rescue, 'He (Dickson) looped the raccoon,' Trembley said. 'We got her in the cage, and I was able to get my hand in, I grabbed the jar and I got Mark to pull down on the raccoon's body a bit and the jar slipped off,' so all's well that ends well, peanut butter has so much to answer for!

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