Tuesday, 22 October 2013

First Thing The Bug Men Called,

I have said it before,

 I am so impressed with this company, they always telephone the day before to confirm you are in and always arrive on time the next day, one of the operatives goes in the house with this hand held sprayer,

 whilst the other goes round the outside of the house,

 using a spray that is pressurised by a pump on the back of the truck,

in case any one out here needs their service this is their contact details and no I am not on commission!

 at last the door was dry, so I glued all of the joints that had moved,

 I then employed a cunning plan to keep the joints in place as the glue set, a paint scrapper, screwdriver, hammer and bolster were are used to keep the door in place overnight,

 next step I screwed a steel strip I had already purchased along the bottom of the door to hopefully keep the joints from moving again,

 then it rained, I put some plastic trays in front of the door to keep it dry, which worked quite well,

 there was a brief break in the showers so I made my way to the road by the side of Big C,

 this is the road that runs by Big C, looking towards the main entrance,

 I parked almost outside the Mercy Centre,

 but this is the shop I was looking for, the Nokia shop, the back that we had ordered for Diana's fathers telephone had arrived, I raced back just as the showers began again, in the afternoon Mark and Phil both called round, after saying my goodbyes to them, 

in the afternoon I watched Cowboys & Aliens which I enjoyed immensely, it was then a quick shower and I was out with Mr. Tony for our evening meal, I will not go into much detail but the restaurant did not deliver, my main course after being tried by myself and Mr. Tony was sent back, plus our bills had been hopelessly mixed up which took senor management intervention to unravel, 

by the way I have not mentioned where, it might just have been one of their 'off' nights, still I know not to go back there again! after our meal we watched a few from Cheers, then saying goodbye to Mr. Tony I watched some more of some of the series that I like, next for me off to bed.

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