I decided to buy Diana's family a motorcycle and sidecar, so it was off to the Honda shop, great little bike 155 c.c. the good news is that Honda make this model manly for sidecars, it has a extra bracket fitted at the factory to take two extra rear suspension units if you fit a sidecar to take the extra weight.
Diana is all smiles as she signs the paper work.
Strange thing is, this is the second shop we went to, the first one we went to had loads of bikes but would not sell us one as we were going to pay cash, they only sold to people who wanted to buy on credit, the price of the bike was 69,500 pesos (£ = 83.5) but in the end got it for 68,000 and a Hokey-Kokey model 3,000 mobile phone plus 2 T-shirts, the sidecar from Edgar's was 15,000 for the better quality stainless steel one, could not get anything off that but they threw in a tinted windscreen.

Slight problem though, Diana's father has never had a bike with a clutch, so he forgets to pull it in when he stops so he stalls it all of the time, but by now I guess will be getting better, the sidecar once fitted has been taken off, it appears the bike should do 500 kilometers or so to run the engine in and then put the sidecar back on again
Another 2 pictures of Donna.