Saturday, 22 March 2025

I Am Now Making Just A Short Post,

to let everyone know,

that we are still at Kai's home, although this weekend Kai will be staying with us, the good news is that Steve's beloved angel fish have found a new home at Darren's, we moved them last week and all went well in the transfer with no casualties, this week on Sunday it is the heavy job, removing the aquariums, for Kai, well all of us, although we will never forget him, the aquariums were a constant reminder of Steve, which especially for Kai brings back painful memories, hopefully pleasant memories will replace the ones of sadness, so I will not be making any posts for a few weeks as will be at Kai's home, I should say I have continued to visit Duncan who remains in good sprits, but it must be said that he also misses Steve, amongst other adventures we all had they both took their Open Water SCUBA courses together and passed all of those years ago.

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Yesterday It Was Time For Steve To Leave Us,

well over 100 people attended the funeral, 

which was conducted perfectly by all of the professionals involved, today Kai will be turning a new page in her life, as you might expect she is still fragile and having reminders of Steve everywhere in the house it will still be difficult for her, I am at home this morning, so I am making this short post, but we will still be staying with Kai through the next few weeks, when we are fully at home I will be able to continue with a daily post. 

Through all of this I had to take my mind off of the situation, so I joined the local photographic club, the Beckenham Photographic Society, last week a speaker took us through different approaches to photography citing a number of famous photographers, (as it happens I had not heard of any of them), but it was enlightening to look at different styles of photography, last night was my second night at the club and the previous week we were all asked to bring in some of our photogrghs for a quarterly show, I did not know what to expect, anyway I brought along 2 sets of 3 prints and entered them into the standard group, as opposed to the advanced group,

 looking at the competition, it was a bit of a forlorn hope, some were just so good,

boards had been placed around the room to display the prints members had brought along,

 a guest judge was given the task of judging and awarding a first, second and third place, behind him my 2 sets of entry's,  

masks and waterlilies, and guess what? much to my complete surprise I was awarded first place for the waterlily set! you could have knocked me down with a feather!, these are the three I entered,

next week there are a number of guest speakers and a black & white contest was announced for 2 weeks time, but entries have to be handed in next week, the problem being my printer has finally died, so I can not print any B & W's as only one print can be entered I might bite on the bullet and get the local photoshop to print one for me, I will sign off now, as I am gong back to Kai's home as Diana will be working this afternoon, Kai just can not bear to be left alone, we all feel a great sadness, Steve was a part of so many peoples lives, but I guess life must go on.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Today We Are At Home,

and this is the first time I have looked at the blog since Steve passed away, 

looking through old photographs I found this one, Steve and myself back in the 1980s in Dang's bar in Pattaya, still there but now called The Gold Star Bar, such happy memories, so sad now to look at them, for any friends or acquaintances reading this, 

the funeral will take place at Beckenham Crematorium, on Wednesday the 12th March at 10am (English time) the address below:

Beckenham Crematorium

Elmers End Road


Telephone: 020 8658 9495 / 020 8658 9775


the link to the crematorium below,


Below is the Webcast for Steve's funeral so you can be there on the day if you cannot make the cemetery,

Username  gubo2508
Password.  776920


and afterwards at The Beckenham Sports Club, 19 Foxgrove Rd, Beckenham BR3 5AS. Telephone 020 8650 0266, could you please forward the above to anyone I may have missed, again I will not be posting for the next few weeks as we will be staying with Kai. One practical piece of advice has come out of this, if you secure your laptop/telephones with a finger/thump print, go back to numbers, and let who ever is going to execute your will and look after the surviving partner have the numbers to unlock your laptop/telephones.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

It Is With Great Sadness That I Make This Post

regular readers will know my life long friend Steve,

he had a heart attack last Saturday, he was rushed to hospital where 3 stents were fitted, on Tuesday he was allowed home and as instructed started making short walks every day, on Friday evening he fell asleep as normal, but he did not wake later in the evening when Kai tried to wake him, despite the efforts of 2 ambulance crews and a cardiac specialist, he could not be revived, 

Steve and Kai, 

with Diana, in memory of past days, dear friend you will be missed so much by all that had the pleasure of knowing you, R.I.P. We will be staying with Kai for the next 3 - 4 weeks, she can not bear to be in the house alone, as I can not use my telephone to post the blog I will not be posting for the foreseeable future, I hope you understand at this difficult time, when we are back home I will continue to post.

Friday, 31 January 2025

First Thing We Were Out,

it was Diana's day off,

but first I should say that I am only making one post today, as usual I took way too many photographs, so dressed in this years colour, Mocha Mousse,

we made our way out of the park, 

well I just had to!

clears skies, not a cloud in sight,
on to the train to London Bridge, 

getting comfortable, 

and settling in for the journey, 

and here we are at London Bridge station, 


time for a quick pose,

then a walk here, 

over the road, 

and inside, 

no mistaking where we are!

a quick one of myself, 

before we started looking at the goodies on sale, 

and there was lots to see, 

like these cakes, 

one each of these three to go, £13.50 later and we were on our way, 

the market was quite crowded, 

we were both hungry, and soon spotted this, 

a mushroom dish,

which Diana tried, 

twice! but decided to hold the order until we looked around some more,

salt beef, yummy!

Diana liked the look of the one in the middle, 

beef and chips, and another one to remember, 

the produce here looking so tempting, 

thinking back to the mushrooms, 

there were plenty here to take home, 


my breakfast sorted, 

it was the usual stall that we stopped at, 

but a no sale, the price of a pot of cockles or whelks were the same as our last visit, as indeed was the container, but this time the tubs were less than half full, effectively the price had double, so a no sale from me, 

we looked at more fruit and vegetable stalls, 

but now no chestnuts, so late in October or early November it will be then, 

I was tempted, 

I noticed a few unusual tomatoes on this stall,

they looked a tad different, 

and were labelled Japanese, 

at £6.50 a kilo they did not seem that expensive as they were fresh and I guess had to be air freighted here, 

we arrived at one end of the market, so a 'U' turn and slightly to the left, 

where we found these,
dried meats hanging, 

there were for sale here, at Brindisa, as their website says, "The home of Spanish food", 

inside this lady, 

was expertly carving a ham, 

we continued looking for our breakfast,
for Diana decision made, 

a few of these, 

coconut treats I think they are, 

and a bowl of a noodle dish, £12.00 all in, 

for myself, salted beef on rye, 

looking around, not many seats for dinners,

that's the one for me, The Original £9.00, 

the stall was busy, 

and who was here?

Diana with her breakfast, 

I was still waiting with my order ticket, 

and here it is, stuffed with delicious meat, 

breakfast served, 

now tuck in, 

we ate by the side of the salt beef stall, 

then continued looking around, 

even more food stalls, 

we then saw this, 

the sandwiches were huge,
Diana immediately commented, "Next time we are here this is it!",

the meals were prepared as usual before your eyes, 

the seafood bar remarkably empty, 

then Diana saw a favorite of hers, 

empanadas, 3 to go, 

next the stall that specialises in Thai foods, like this jackfruit

and freshly squeezed sugar cane, 

Diana bought a few bits and pieces, 

but gave the bug lollypops a miss, 

I had a closer look at the sugarcane press, 

a novelty over here, but when we lived for so many years in Thailand they were in every market in every town or village, 

we were both a tad thirsty as we exited the market and looked for a coffee shop, 

deciding on this Costa, 

'Cheers!', it was not that cold, until the wind blew, then it had a nasty edge to it, 

back outside, 

a couple of poses, 

from both of us, next, 

on to a couple of tubes, 

to Leicester Square, 

Diana was looking at the famous hand prints outside of one of the theatres, 

decorations still up from yesterdays Chinese New Year, it must have been packed here yesterday, 

past the M & M's store, 

no queues today, 

some of the street artists showing their wares, 

we exited the square, 

and made our way here, 

to the entrance of Chinatown, 

the streets festooned with lanterns,

one of the many restaurants we had been to before, 

we started walking along the streets, 

above us advertisements between the lanterns, 

we were thinking of eating here again, but decided on a change, 

we had already tried his one, 

and this one,

a quick look in the shop, 

looking back to where we had just walked from,
nothing took Diana's fancy, 

into the pastry shop, 

the pandas in the window looking cute, 

we made our way back along the street, 

and decided to eat here, 

in and upstirs, well 4 or so steps, 

it was nicely turned out, with plenty of room,


our food started to arrive,

we started with salt and peppered spare ribs, 

which I was soon tucking into, 

for our main course prawn fried rice, 

chicken and vegetables, 

three types of duck and pork, it did not look it, but by the end of the meal we were stuffed, including Diana's coke the bill came to £118.45,

back out,

to the streets of lanterns, 

Diana called into the cake shop, 

before making our way here, 

on our way back home, 

we are going to call into see Steve and Kai, 

I had a look in the shops opposite as I waited, 

the selection, 

any minute now, 

Diana was buying some ice cream for Kai and herself, 

shopping finished, we were on our way, 

with a rather nice carrier bag,

two ice creams to go, 

past the very colourful shop in the same street,

we walked to Trafalgar Square and turned left, 

and made our way here, 

to Kings Cross station, 

we were in a race to arrive at Steve and Kai's before the ice cream melted!, 

and here we are at Steve and Kai's home,

in the kitchen, 

Kai with the ice creams, we also had with many thanks, a huge cheese board with grapes to snack on, Steve is now back to his usual self, but although he can start driving next week after his heart attack, running is out for the next few months which is a shame as he loves running, we chatted away about our next door neighbours car being stolen last night, no one heard a thing, or from the house next door that also had a car stolen, thankfully it appears ours was not on the wanted list! after thanking Steve and Kai we made a move for our home, where it was feet up for a coffee and relax, after which Diana was off to bed, another early start tomorrow, for myself one from Have I Got More News For You followed by a It Ain't Half Hot Mum before I too was off to bed.