Thursday, 13 March 2025

Yesterday It Was Time For Steve To Leave Us,

well over 100 people attended the funeral, 

which was conducted perfectly by all of the professionals involved, today Kai will be turning a new page in her life, as you might expect she is still fragile and having reminders of Steve everywhere in the house it will still be difficult for her, I am at home this morning, so I am making this short post, but we will still be staying with Kai through the next few weeks, when we are fully at home I will be able to continue with a daily post. 

Through all of this I had to take my mind off of the situation, so I joined the local photographic club, the Beckenham Photographic Society, last week a speaker took us through different approaches to photography citing a number of famous photographers, (as it happens I had not heard of any of them), but it was enlightening to look at different styles of photography, last night was my second night at the club and the previous week we were all asked to bring in some of our photogrghs for a quarterly show, I did not know what to expect, anyway I brought along 2 sets of 3 prints and entered them into the standard group, as opposed to the advanced group,

 looking at the competition, it was a bit of a forlorn hope, some were just so good,

boards had been placed around the room to display the prints members had brought along,

 a guest judge was given the task of judging and awarding a first, second and third place, behind him my 2 sets of entry's,  

masks and waterlilies, and guess what? much to my complete surprise I was awarded first place for the waterlily set! you could have knocked me down with a feather!, these are the three I entered,

next week there are a number of guest speakers and a black & white contest was announced for 2 weeks time, but entries have to be handed in next week, the problem being my printer has finally died, so I can not print any B & W's as only one print can be entered I might bite on the bullet and get the local photoshop to print one for me, I will sign off now, as I am gong back to Kai's home as Diana will be working this afternoon, Kai just can not bear to be left alone, we all feel a great sadness, Steve was a part of so many peoples lives, but I guess life must go on.

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