so time to change the refrigerator magnet,
I had ordered a set of dumbbells and they had arrived,
we had seen similar at Tesco Lotus and a few other stores we called into, always in the 5,000 to 6,000 baht range,
but these were on a special from Lazada, 1,950 baht, bargain!
and as a bonus they came with an adaptor to make them into barbells, so I started my usual Saturday routine, I loaded up the two dumbbells with 2 of the 2.5 kilo weights for each hand, I figured the bar would weigh about 1 kilo, the weights I had been using were 5 kilos for each hand, and this is the next step up to 6 kilos in each hand, I started my first set of 200 arm curls, after 60 or so my arms were really feeling the extra weight, by 120 I was struggling, I was exhausted by the time I reached my normal 200, I then did 2 more exercises and found those as exhausting as the curls, I always take a 3 minute break between each set, on the second set I decided to cut back to just 140 arm curls and in the other exercises cut back by one third of the number that I normally do, I did the same on the third set, I was bushed by the time I had finished, I would never have thought that 1 kilo would have made so much difference,

I then on a whim decided to weighed the dumbbells I had been using, stamped on them 5 kilos, but they actually weighed 4.6 kilos, I then weighed the new dumbbells, they came in at 6.7 kilos, I had actually been lifting 2.1 kilos extra in each hand, not the 1 kilo or so I had thought, no wonder my arms were aching!
next job for the day, a water change on the aquarium, so water out,
and water in,
meanwhile Diana was cleaning the kittens pool,
watched by Cable,
and Mariana,
who despite being told to keep her wound dry insisted on helping Diana,
Mariana decided to get on top for a better look,
at the pool and me,
along with Cable,
then Hogue wanted to see what was happening,
we had taken their cones of for the time we were with them,
then Mariana came back to supervise filling the pool,
we then had a second delivery from Lazada,
a cat tunnel,
Mariana was the most adventurous of the three and had a look around first,
followed by Hogue,
then Cable,
soon they were all in and out of the tube, it slowly made its way across the living room and into their room as they raced through it and it kept moving, great fun for all,
on to the Saturday evening bar-b-q,
garlic bread,
followed by a prawn salad,
time to lite the barby, lots of smoke,
showers of sparks,
then on with the potatoes in foil and a very thick lamb chop,
followed by a second thinner one,
chops served,
then the potatoes,
we finished the meal with cheese and biscuits,
we listened to music for the rest of the evening, then as the midnight hour approached we were off to bed.