in Vietnam having elongated ear lobes,
like Maitreya, aka Laughing Buddha, is considered a good luck charm, a particular folk belief in Vietnam is where people think that if a person has long earlobes, then he or she will have a long life, photographs The Hung via

from the
injection only takes about 15-20 minutes, it’s not dangerous. If the filler has
any Any health effects such as swelling, heat, redness and pain will be covered
by the warranty. If you don’t like it after the injection, I will inject the
filler for you. If you are not satisfied with the shape, it will be adjusted.
in place”,
on the market, Korean filler costs about 3-5 million VND/cc. (£100.00 or
$131.00 to £166.00 or $218.00) Meanwhile, American goods are priced at 9-10
million VND/cc. (£300.00 to $393.00 or £ £339 to $437.00.00) However, Ms. HX –
the owner of a filler injection facility in Hai Phong, only offers 2 million
VND/cc (£66.00 or $88.00) for Korean filler and 5 million VND/cc (£166.00 or
$218.00) for American filler. Not only is it cheaper, this establishment also
advertises a shelf life of up to 2 years, Ms. HX innocently
affirmed: “I will provide a lifetime warranty and take full responsibility if
there is a problem” for myself I think I will keep what I have, they have done
pretty well so far!
Dear Stanley and Diana
Alley happens to be endowed with long earlobes. This came from her father’s side. We never had a comment while In VN traveling but looking back, seems we may have been treated “extra special “at many hotels and Restaurants. Maybe that explains the over friendly smiles and service…I always though it was because the VN people so friendly!!! As a side note, Alley has a very high forehead. Local custom believes that you will end up with money. So between the two features they forgot to look at me! Short, bald and old…I guess I had stick with hanging around Alley!!
Very Best Regards to Both Of You!
John and Alley
Dear John and Alley, we are both blessed with exceptional ladies, and we are both very lucky indeed! best regards, Stan and Diana.
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