Monday, 31 July 2023
Diana Was On Early Shift,
Lets Start The Week With A Few Funnies,
When asked, "How did comics come into your life?"
Whyatt recalled his early days and explained, "I really got into cartoons
in grade 5 when one of my classmates started bringing Mad Magazines to school.
I couldn’t believe how good the artwork was. I then became really hooked on
cartoons in the 90s when I saw The Far Side for the first time. They were the
funniest cartoons I had ever seen. (And they still are!)" discussing his
creative inspiration, he said, "My only inspiration is my constant need to
entertain myself. If I have a blank piece of paper in front of me, I will just
start drawing until I find something amusing." He also hinted at his
humorous personality in daily life by sharing, "My ten-year-old son
recently told me that he was starting to get too mature for my jokes. I think
that tells you everything you need to know." regarding his identity and
future plans, he maintained his humorous demeanor by joking, "I’m an Australian
which means I ride a kangaroo to work. I’m fluent in both English and American.
I’m almost as attractive as the characters I draw. I’m working on a new book as
we speak." I hope you enjoy these as much as I did, these are just a few from the 45 cartoons in the article,
It Might Be A Magic Trick,
‘Mr. and Mrs. Karsy, an inventive and original “team” on the variety stage, have created a new and extrodinary musical instrument which is known as the Giant Myriophone (Myriphon). It is the work of a genius and when under full swing produces music similar to that of a full string band. Only two persons are required to produce this immense volume of sound. “The Myriophone has the appearance of a large screen, with a number of wheels fitted on the front. These wheels have strings fitted on them and look much like bicycle wheels. They are set in motion by four lusty stage hands concealed in the rear, and the performers who have a small stick of wood in each hand touch the strings, thus making a note, which can be prolonged to any length. The Myriophone consists of twenty-five discs, each with eighty strings, making 2,000 in all. The sounding boards are made of the same wood as is used in pianos. Regular piano strings are used’,