Thursday 17 October 2024

Blog Posted,

I was then out to visit Duncan, 

into a grey slightly cold day, 

a bit of a hold up, road works, this time the water company, 

past Peter Pan's Pool,

looking towards Catford grey skies, 

the bee garden on top of this bus shelter, 

looking nice, 

the bus was making good time until, a driver change, 

past the one way system still in force in Lewisham, 

at Blackheath station, no further work on the other platform,

I was in luck, a through train to Gravesend,

off of the bus and up the hill,

to the home where Duncan stays, 

blue skies starting to break through, as it happens it was getting quite warm, inside Duncan was not his usual self, he was asleep when I arrived and had not eaten his breakfast, I stayed a couple of hours until his lunch arrived, he remember I would not be visiting for the next 4 weeks or so, hopefully the two Steve's and Alan will call in to visit when I am not here, 

at the bus stop blue skies, almost, it was so hot I did not put on my waterproof or under jacket, 

at platform 0 a through train to Blackheath was due, then on to a number 54 bus,

going through Lewisham the pavement still being worked on, 

at Lewisham hospital the beds opposite still unplanted, 

the road works from this morning still here, 

off of the bus and into the park, blue skies, 

and it really was quite warm, what a change from this morning, 

after a couple of quiz shows, it was time for my read and sherry, 

my meal for tonight, liver and bacon, delicious!

'Cheers!', I watched a BattleBots, the start of a new season, I am happy to say, I followed that with a Bangers & Cash, during which Diana arrived home from work, so it was feet up for a Midsomer Murder before we were off to bed.

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