Wednesday 25 November 2015

A Nation,

within a nation,

 as it says on the sign, 'Welcome to the Republic of Zaqistan',

for just $610. on eBay Zaq Landsberg, a New York artist has created his own country in the Utah desert, why? 'when I bought the land, it was right after Hurricane Katrina, and it was a pretty dark time, politically, in our country,' he said. 'I thought, ‘I can run a country better than these clowns,’ so I started creating something out of nothing in the desert', and that became the nation’s official motto: 'something from nothing,'

to justify the legality of his state he counters, 'is Taiwan legally a country? is the Vatican?' asks Landsberg, 'really, there is no legal standard for what is a country and what is not, I would describe Zaqistan as a de facto sovereign, the government isn't recognizing Zaqistan sovereignty, but they're not stopping me from doing my thing out here either,' the good news is that there are a few perks of owning your own country, his artist’s CV lists this singular accomplishment:, 'Nation Building, Consulate General of the Republic of Zaqistan', and who would not like to be called President as you board a plane? if you wish to become a citizen you can apply for your own passport at $40 on his website although I am not sure if it would get you through US immigration, but here's a thought, if I bought 2 acres in the Utah desert could I call it Stanistan?

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