Sunday 1 January 2017


and this is how our New Years Eve day went,

 first change the refrigerator magnet, for this week we will be thinking about our last trip to Tower Bridge

next a half water change for the aquarium,

  the fish seem to enjoy it,

 certainly fast swimming one, like this red line torpedo barb, (Sahyadria denisonii),

 then refill,


 Diana was cleaning the kittens pool,

 all of them showing great interest,


who then decided to look from afar,

 but then with Mariana got up close,  

 we had a surprise visit from John and Pun who we had not seen for a long time, and spent some time catching up with news, after saying our goodbyes,

 we were on to our evening meal, a barby as usual on a Saturday evening, starting with garlic bread, 

 meanwhile inside,

 Diana was preparing our later courses,

 cakes, yummy!  

 for starters scallops wrapped in bacon, 

 spaghetti for Diana,


 the evening then took a turn, 

 for the wet, 

Diana just had to video it, 

 so it was on to plan 'B', always have a plan B, the George Foreman grill,

 now inside in the dry, for Diana, 

pork kebabs with a bar-b-q sauce,

 for myself,

 a thin and fat lamb chop with fried potatoes,

  'Cheers!', again,

 on to desserts, 

 spoilt for choice, 

 and now a bit of fun,

 we did not go out,

 as the last time we went into town on New Years Eve it was such a crush,

 so Diana who understands mobile telephones,

 used hers to give us a few fireworks,

 and special effects,

in the pictures she took with her telephone,

 and after seeing the New Year in all we can say is we both hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

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