Thursday 28 July 2022

It Is The Time Of Year,

that the rice pictures really come to life,

in the Japanese village of Inakadate, in Aomori Prefecture, rice has been planted not for it's obvious reason, to be eaten, but as a growing work of art, the seeds were planted in June, have now grown and filled out the canvas, rendering versions of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” and Seiki Kuroda’s “Lakeside,” which depicts his wife Taneko Kaneko, as it happens we have featured the rice art a few times before,

seven different varieties of rice are planted in early June according to detailed blueprints (pictured above). They take roughly 1 month to grow, slowly filling out and completing the artwork, which was unveiled today in Japan, spectators can visit the rice paddy through the months of July and August but the colors begin to fade around mid-August, 

this is Inakadate Village’s another attempt at depicting Mona Lisa in their race paddies,

the one above on our blog in 2015, not so many varieties of rice then, but now so many different varieties of rice to choose from, if you can not travel to Inakadate Village, last year they started live-streaming their rice paddies and posting daily photos, You can see it all here, fascinating to see I am sure, but I guess you really need a drone for the full effect.

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