Sunday 31 July 2022

We Had A Lazy Day,

Diana did not have to go into work until the late afternoon,

in the evening after a Simpsons it was time for my read and sherry,

'Cheers!', with a prawn cocktail,

followed by liver and bacon with mash, delicious!

for dessert,

mango and grapes, after a read it was feet up for a couple of films,

 for tonight Northmen - A Viking Saga, which was quite enjoyable as it happens, although with the odds against them it was a tad hard to believe, but then it is only a film, 

next, Risen, which we had watched before, but enjoyable to watch again, then time for a few funnies on YouTube, before Diana arrived home, so feet up for a coffee and a chat before we were off to bed.

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