Thursday, 2 January 2025

We Had A Quiet New Years Day,

thoughts of a walk in the park were quickly dispelled by the rain outside, 

 as it was a bank holiday this week on Wednesday, I did not visit Duncan, but I will be popping down today, Thursday, so there will only be one post today and as soon as I post that I will be out, back to Wednesday, in the afternoon a bank holiday film was on, Lawrence of Arabia, a classic, the story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks, the film Lawrence of Arabia, a film that I could never tire of watching, even though it is over 3 hours long, great film, as an aside, on his first location scouting trip in Jordan, director Sir David Lean discovered the remains of the Turkish locomotives and railroad tracks T. E. Lawrence had destroyed during the Arab Revolution, after forty years in the sun, they hadn't even rusted,

if you are into reading this period is covered in Seven Pillars of Wisdom  by T. E. Lawrence, and a good read it was too, 

almost as good is a book I have, written by a friend of mine Victor Winstone as I knew him, titled Captain Shakespear, as one reviewer wrote, 'This wonderful book details just how great our influence in modern Saudi Arabia would have been if it had not been for the incompetence of the British Government', incompetence, British Government? who would have thought that? for a brief look at the life of Captain Shakespear have a look here, it was then time for our evening meal, 

but first a read and a sherry, 

for tonight a soup, spring vegetables with, you guessed it added turkey, 'Cheers!',

Diana decided on a noodle dish, it was then time for a couple of Antiques Road Trips before a bit of a treat, a Midsomer Murder, one we had not watched for some time after which Diana was off to bed, for myself a Have I Got A Bit More News For You before I too was off to bed.

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