Tuesday 28 April 2015

In The Dutch City Of Leeuwarden,

there was a Art Eggcident,

 well that is what Dutch artist Henk Hofstra calls it, he is known for his huge public installations,

 so what is the story behind the artwork?

it is a joke based on a Dutch expression, Hofstra explains, 'there's a Dutch expression: "To lay down the first egg, you have to start with the first egg." in the city of Leeuwarden people talked a lot about what to do with Zaailand, it's one of the biggest city squares in Holland, there were a lot of plans for it, but nobody started, that's why I started with the first egg (and several more) and made them huge', and the reaction of the public? when polled after a few weeks 80% who were questioned liked it, apparently so did all of the shopkeepers as their trade as people flocked to see it rocketed.

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