Monday 6 April 2015

Straight On To Today's Post,

as today we are up and out early,

the dust on our truck has become so thick, I just had to take it here,

to one of the many car wash shops on Thepprasit Road,

 this one is at the back of the first petrol station on the left, past the fishing tackle shop as you head towards the Sumkivitt Road,

 truck dropped off, one of the staff take it to the wash,

 my new home for the next hour or so that it takes to wash and clean it, 200 baht later and I am on my way home,

 to the table laid out for our Sunday lunch,

 today half a roast duck each, plus a sausage in a blanket with vegetables to match, 

 and for this week a extra half a cup of peas for the fish to enjoy,


 for dessert a apple crumble with currents and a touch of cinnamon with custard,

Diana said just before pressing the shutter, 'pull a funny face' well this is it, the meal was of course delicious, we listened to music for the rest of the afternoon, then in the evening a Celebrity Chase, the quiz show where so-called celebrities take on the quiz-masters, yet again proving that fame does not equal brain as in the final the team were knocked out with the quiz-master they were being chased by had used up hardly a half of his time allowance, a few from CI on the cable network TMN, a couple form Midsomer Murders and we were then off to bed.

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