Friday 7 May 2021

First Thing Diana Was Off To Work,

and I was out to do my duty,

and vote, in Britain it was the biggest set of votes since the 2019 general election, voters picked representatives for the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Senedd as well as mayors and local councils in England, also voters in England and Wales voted for police and crime commissioners, on the way to the voting station I noticed that a lot of the cherry blossoms had been blown away by the latest storms,

which was a bit of a shame,

and here is the voting station, I had 4 votes to cast over three voting slips,

and this is what the people of Great Britain are voting for,

duty completed I made my way across Beckenham Green,

where the hanging baskets are beginning to look nice,

as is the central display, 

also amazing in the green was this cherry tree, it was so full of blossoms,

there were hardly any leaves on it at all,

I soon arrived at Kingfisheries, I needed some RO water,

whilst there the skies opened up, there was a huge hailstorm, hail was bouncing all over the pavement,

in the evening the fox called by,

to catch 40 in the sun, I watched a number of quiz shows and documentaries in the evening, just before 11.00 Diana called, so off to the bus stop and home where it was feet up for the last part of a New Tricks and a Silent Witness before we were off to bed.

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