when she died in 1984 she managed to hide away more than £2 million in various banks, more than a small fortune in those days, eighteen months before her death, after her diagnosis with ovarian cancer, she gave her son Mark Dawson a sheet of paper, which she told him was a code that would reveal the whereabouts of the money, at the same time, she told her son that her widower, Alan Lake, had the key that would crack the code, sadly, Lake committed suicide only five months after Dors died, leaving Mark Dawson a code that was now evidently unsolvable,
many doubted the story, and the code sheet certainly didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary. Her son persevered and hired an expert who recognized the encryption as a form of the Vigenere cipher, which would require a ten character decryption key, ultimately, the encryption experts were able to work out the key “DMARYFLUCK,” which stood for Diana Mary Fluck, Diana’s real name, they were then able to use the decryption key to decode the entire message, while it was clearly linked to bank statements found in Lake’s papers, no money was ever found, and to this day her encrypted fortune remains the object of many amateur cryptographers, if you are interested it is up for sale on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at RM Auctions +1 519 352 4575 +1 519 352 4575 web: http://www.rmauctions.com
by the way did I mention the estimate:$4,000,000-$6,000,000 US, a bit rich for me, but a nice car for somebody else to own.
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