Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Sunday, 1 August 2010
We Had A Lazy Day,
just watched some television, and then to the local market for a few sweets and fresh fruit desserts for later in the evening, lots of fresh bamboo shoots, I guess this is growing well due to it now being the rainy season for the next 3 months or so,
boiled sweet corn, and lots of precooked food to take away,
Diana stopped off at the fresh vegetable stall,
tonight she was going to cook some Laab-Namtok, Laos' National dish which has made its way down from up north, so some leaves were needed for that added flavour,
also some ginger,
any basket 10 baht, Diana bought the one at the top left, which I think is a ginger root,
a few bananas to snack on in the day time, I am surprised how much they are now, only a few years ago a 'hand' 15 - 20 + would be just 10 - 20 baht, now 25 baht for just 4 or 5, inflation I suppose,
then our evening meal, with a few glasses of wine, after dessert a few DVD's, first though in the day time we watched I Am Legend on Sophon cable, a very poor copy but entertaining enough I suppose if you like post apocalyptic films, which I do, Dr. Robert Neville, a military virologist living in New York City in 2012, who is the last known survivor of a worldwide viral epidemic called KV that has infected or killed nearly all of earth's population,
keeping to that theme I just had to watch 2012, as Diana said, 'not again!', but I love the special effects,
when people think of the silent greats there is only one for me, Buster Keaton, his life story if you go to the link has to be one of the most amazing of its time, a true master of the craft, first we watched what was most probably his most famous film, The General, when Union spies steal Johnny Grey's beloved locomotive, he pursues it single handedly and straight through enemy lines, followed by Battling Butler, for me the funniest part stars the duck who keeps ducking under the boat when Buster is trying to get organized to shoot it, both immensely amusing,
then to Saving Private Ryan, so much as been said about this film I need say no more, we rounded of the evening with a visit to Kavanagh QC, Blood Money, when her husband dies in the operating theater following a car crash, Sarah Meadows believes there is a case of negligence, with Jeremy Aldermarten representing the hospital, Kavanagh agrees to take on her case, despite his misgivings as to the likelihood of winning, I have to say both Diana and myself love the character of Jeremy Aldermarten, he almost deserves a series of his own! then off to bed.
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