Saturday 10 May 2014

I Had A Bit Of A Bad Day,

I was going to drop off the family at Central Festival,

then make my way to the government testing station to have my truck undertake it's yearly test to have it taxed and issued with the government insurance, but we noticed that the government buildings were closed, it was a holiday, so I pulled into the Central Festival underground car park to drop them off when BANG! the glass at the back of the cab cracked, 

it was my fault, I had switched on the rear screen demister and forgotten to turn it off, well having dropped the family of I made my way to Nissan to pay for a new rear window which would then be sent down from Bangkok and have it fitted when it arrived, but no luck, I was informed 'Bangkok closed come back on Monday', so off I went, then a stroke of good luck, I noticed that the testing station was open, a quick U turn and I was first in the queue to have the truck tested, 

 the view of the testing station, the big building on the left, the Bangkok Pattaya hospital,

 the entrance to the testing station,

 and looking towards Pattaya North,

 the good news was that the truck passed the test with colours flying, also for that I was given a free glass and a T shirt,

as the family had not yet arrived back, I called Steve to meet him for a lunch time drink, on the way I called into one of the many stores that sell almost everything, 

and bought a couple of bags of charcoal for tomorrow nights bar-b-q,

we chose the Punch and Judy as it is near his technical diving operation centre,

by now Diana's family had returned and after a snack we were all ready to go the the weekend night market on Thepprasit Road,

looking towards Jomtien not a cloud in the sky,

Jomtien tower in the distance,

blue skies looking inland, at the top right hand side the moon,

just a quick hand held shot,

clothes and handbags opposite the bar this evening,

not so busy in the food aisles,

but these were new, dried and sugared fruits, 

in the next aisle one of the stalls trucks being quickly unloaded,

the corner stall missing this evening,

and the new food aisle still quiet,

the pet section also quiet,

and this one so cute,

sunset over the market,

not many customers at the bar this evening,

but the peanut seller was there,

as well as a few mobile stalls,

with the rainy season soon to be here this might be the way to go to stay dry on a motorbike,

the Monkey Shake stall still here, I really must try one, just to see what they are like,

then a few friends we had not seen for a few weeks, Mike and his family called by to say hello,

and as always Brian was there tonight with Sa,

Diana and her family returned from a shopping fest, then after saying our farewells to Brian and Sa we made our way home,

 for a fish and chip supper,

and a Magnum dessert, we watched this weeks episode of The Chase and a few other things on TMN then we were all off to bed.

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