Tuesday 6 January 2015

For Those Of Us Lucky Enough To Have Snow, Pass On This Post,

but for others of us that do not have snow in their countries read on,

now you too can have snowball fights indoors and out with a bucket of Snowtime Anytime, this product allows you to have a snowball fight anytime the mood strikes, they are as soft as cotton balls, but crunch like real snow, they are sturdy enough to go through many battles and are machine washable, the best part? these snowballs are warm, mess free and can be played with at any age,

 for even more fun there is also the inflatable Snow Fort and
Snow Castle, both the fort and castle come with a foot pump and repair kit—just in case the competition gets too crazy, Snowtime Anytime Snowballs come in a reusable carrying case in quantities of 20 or 40 and with a list of games to play using the snowballs, games include snowball hide-n-seek, an adaptation of horseshoes, and a good old fashioned snowball fight between two or more players, the snowballs are three inches in diameter and made of out of a polyester yarn and they really are soft enough to throw at each other without causing pain or injury, lets face it snowball fights with your kids seldom end well! and like the previous post, no I am not on commission, I just thought that both the Snowballs and the canoe/kayak were such fun ideas.

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