as we are off early to Bangkok,
I checked in for my quarterly check up, blood pressure 132 over 66 with a heart beat of 72 bpm, 77.1 kilos, and blood sample taken,
so I had an hour to kill, and decided on breakfast here,
at the Malamute coffee, 336/25
Pattaya Klang Rd, M.9 soi 15, Nongprue, it is situated in a small side road off of Pattaya Klang,
inside the interior was inviting with tables and comfy chairs, nice for a coffee and a chat in the afternoons looking at some cakes on offer,
I decided on the full breakfast at 170 baht, including tea or coffee, 1 hour later I called back for my results from the blood test, the blood results were sugar 140 mg/dl, or 8.3 mmol/l
depending on which kit you use it
appears that below 7.0 is fine, as a rough guide 1 mg/dl equals 0.01 grams
per liter (g/L), if you wish to use it here
is a conversion table, it appears that I had an slightly above average reading as the
sugar should be 90-130 or below 7.0, so a tad high but still sort of acceptable, givenI gues my age, or so Hb AIC ws measured and at 5.3 so it
was good new as far as I was concerned, next stop home,
arriving home,
it was plan to see the improvement the gravel cleaning had done to the aquarium,
in the evening it was glad rags on,
Mr. Tony kindly picked us up and we were off,
to Cherry's International buffet,
as we were early I had a quicl look at what was on offer, the salad bar,
and a goodly selection,
of starters including some sushi,
tom yung goong, and soup of the day onion,
on to the main courses,
there were about 18 or so different ones to chose from,
plus a carvery and pizza station,
for desserts fresh fruit,
and a selection of cakes,
and other delights to chose from,
and some more fresh fruit,
7 flavours of ice cream,
so it was eyes down,
and time for us all,
to tuck in,
Diana's main course, spaghetti, ribs and slices of roast duck,
a second plate of starters for myself,
fish and spinach for Mr. Tony,
my main course, ribs, duck and roast potatoes,

and a couple for myself, the restaurant is situated on Third Road opposite what was once the X-Cite disco, after the meal Mr. Tony dropped us off home, We said our farewells, then it was feet up for a couple of quiz shows, a couple from Billions, then next for us We were off to bed.
arriving home,
it was plan to see the improvement the gravel cleaning had done to the aquarium,
in the evening it was glad rags on,
Mr. Tony kindly picked us up and we were off,
to Cherry's International buffet,
as we were early I had a quicl look at what was on offer, the salad bar,
and a goodly selection,
tom yung goong, and soup of the day onion,
on to the main courses,
there were about 18 or so different ones to chose from,
plus a carvery and pizza station,
for desserts fresh fruit,
and a selection of cakes,
and some more fresh fruit,
7 flavours of ice cream,
so it was eyes down,
and time for us all,
to tuck in,
Diana's main course, spaghetti, ribs and slices of roast duck,
a second plate of starters for myself,
fish and spinach for Mr. Tony,
my main course, ribs, duck and roast potatoes,
a selection of desserts for Diana,
and a couple for myself, the restaurant is situated on Third Road opposite what was once the X-Cite disco, after the meal Mr. Tony dropped us off home, We said our farewells, then it was feet up for a couple of quiz shows, a couple from Billions, then next for us We were off to bed.
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