Saturday 23 May 2020

What Links King Penguins And Laughing Gas?

not a lot I would have thought,

but I was so wrong, as a number of researchers who visited the island of South Georgia, located in the Atlantic Ocean found out, photograph from Birdland, the island is a sanctuary for king penguins and is said to be supporting approximately 300,000 breeding adults today, as the day wore on scientists from Denmark and China, started to feel sick and loopy, they had spent the day breathing nitrous oxide, which is more commonly known as laughing gas, “After nosing about in guano for several hours, one goes completely cuckoo. One begins to feel ill and get a headache,” Bo Elberling, a researcher from the Center for Permafrost at the University of Copenhagen, told the AFP. He and his colleagues published a study on the relationship between glacial retreat, penguin activity, and greenhouses gases in the journal Science of The Total Environment, so there is the link, king penguin poo gives off laughing gas, who would have thought it? no wonder the penguin keepers at London Zoo are always laughing!

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