Tuesday 17 May 2022

As I Went To The Laptop,

here there they were again,

on the top of the roof,

three ducks, two of them doing a balancing act! during the day as Diana was at work I popped upstirs and made a template, if that is what you call it, to print 4 notepad headings om one sheet of paper as well as two small letterheading's on one sheet, easy to write but I am not very good at this sort of thing, so it took an age,

popping back downstairs in the late afternoon they were back again,

three of them taking 40 winks,

after my evening meal I watched Ammonite, I was hoping to see an interesting film about Mary Anning, and how she discovered so many fossils, but it was not to be, although there was no evidence to say she was a lesbian, there was also no evidence to say she was not, I guess to pull in a wider audience the director went with the lesbian theme, so more of a love story than anything else, with little or no background to the fossil side of her life, shame the film could have been so much better without the steamy lesbian romp, I followed that with,

Chaos Walking, an interesting sci-fi, a group of colonists lands on a distant planet and evolved whilst waiting for the next colonist ship to arrive, I will not say any more as it will spoil the plot, but, the was filmed in 2017, the audience responses were so bad they decided to reshoot major parts of it in 2019, the film was re-released in 2021, after Diana arrived home it was feet up for a New Tricks, in this episode the team loose their leader, so the next one will feature a new character to the team, 

I then saw the blood moon behind the trees, and took a few photographs,

which are not very good compared to the moon as it was last night, but there it is, we rounded off the evening with a rather enthralling Silent Witness, I will only be making one post today as it is Diana's day off, and we will be out first thing for a drive, so with that we were off to bed.

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