Monday, 30 May 2022

No Ducks Again,

it seems they are giving the roof next door a clear berth,

it was soon time for Sunday lunch, first a sherry and a read,

followed by lamb kebabs to start,

roast chicken for our main course, with gravy for Diana, sans gravy for myself,

'Cheers!', with for a change a Portuguese rosé,

for dessert a apricot and almond tart,

with ice cream, delicious! 

after listening to music in the afternoon in the evening it was time for our first film, The Eagle, it took a time to realise we had watched it before a couple of years ago, my comments then "it was remarkably good, the story, costumes and especially the locations were all just so good",

 we followed that with Thick as Thieves, a really enjoyable movie about two thieves stealing a couple of Fabergé eggs, a great storyline with a few twists along the way, it took us nicley to midnight, so we were then off to bed.

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