Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Friday So Off To Friendship,
also we wanted to go to Soi Bukaow market to buy a couple of orchids, it appears that I had given the last ones we bought the kiss of death, as usual the car park in Friendship was full to overflowing, and this is why, the huge crackdown on parking on the wrong side of the road continues, 1,200 baht fine (at today's rate £24.00), then it was a look around the market, this stall had a distinct aroma about it, these are the crabs that are used in some papaya poc-poc dishes, I am not making fun of other cultures food, but to me and I guess a few others it does not smell appetizing at all,
oh no! shoe time again!
we bought 3 orchids for 100 baht to replace the failures,
at different times of the year some flowers make the scene, these hanging baskets will be here for another month or so, then disappear till about this time next year,
there are also these hanging plants, no growth above they just get longer underneath,
there are many different types, I guess they grow down from trees,
one of the Soi Bukaow aquarium shops, this shop is here every day,
home at last fully loaded with shopping and orchids,
with the good news that I started the day with from Gauagemaster and having caught up with myself on the blog I decided to tidy up the train room, after a couple of hours it looked like this, all I seemed to be doing was moving one pile of things to another, another cup of tea please!
just opposite the bar where we sit this week was a stand from Chevrolet, with music and a big screen,
but first a walk around, a few orchids,
a close up of one, I just wish I could grow them,
I saw this twin set, but only had enough money on me for the top (Diana had the rest of the money!), so I bought it as a surprise for Diana,
then back to the bar, by now the big screen had been reprogrammed for a racing game, I did not have a go myself but a few potential customers did, to the great amusement of the crowd,
Diana arrives back with a armful of shopping, including a nice blue shirt for me,
on our way back we passed the hair care stall, so a couple of 10 baht hair clips is in order,
past the pretty in pink stall,
and the market shrine,
and home for a Diana style evening meal,
we first watched Bird and Fortune, two guys chatting to each other as interviewer and interviewee, essentially a series of British comedy sketches, funny but worryingly close to the truth in many cases, sometimes with as many as 2 million viewers, it was a popular series in the UK, I have tried to find a review of it with no luck, but for anyone wanting a satirical take on UK politics this is it,
then a few episodes of one of our favorite New Tricks, the fifth series, I have forgotten to say a big 'thank you' to Steve and Kai for bring more than a few DVD's over for us, the New Tricks series is about 3 retired police officers and a serving officer reexamining cases still open, as the blurb says, a detective series with a difference,
we rounded the evening off with a HD version of Dante's Peak, a love story set against volcano's, the special effects were just right as was the acting, then off to bed.
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