Thursday 13 February 2014

We Had Another Day In,

so again no pictures,

but we did have a few telephone calls from the UK, everyone saying the same about how bad the weather was, there tens of thousands of people have been affected by massive flooding, the Daily Mail has a huge number of pictures in this article showing the devastation that is affecting Great Britain, above a satellite picture of the storms affecting the UK, but so far the International Community has as far as I am aware failed to offer any help to the United Kingdom, according to our government we do not need the help, but it would have been nice if someone had offered,

we watched some more You Tube in the day, shouting out answers to the questions in The Chase, plus a new episode of the Ade in Britain series, we are really enjoying everyone of them, if you like to see things quintessentially British in the field of food, occupations and customs this series is a pure delight, 

after our evening meal another treat, The Lone Ranger, which we both toughly enjoyed, it seems it did not go down well with many of the critics but we both thought it was first class, a bit different from what I remembered when first watching it in black and white on the television though!, a few more from Columbo and for us we were off to bed.

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