but somehow busy day,
Diana was on early shift, for myself I started my usual day, edit yesterdays photographs, up load them to the blog and add captions to each, my morning exercises, shave and shower, breakfast, go downstairs and empty the rubbish, back upstairs and then the door buzzer sounded, a parcel of a few bits and pieces for the shop, so downstairs again to pick it up, where I noticed the scaffolders starting to disassemble the scaffolding, so I popped downstairs again but with my camera to take a few photographs for the residents WhatsApp page, to let absentee landlords and residents know what was going on, back upstairs I realised I did not know how to send photographs from my camera to WhatsApp, so downstairs again with my mobile telephone to take the same pictures, no sooner up than a delivery, I take in parcels for one of the other residents who is on holiday, so downstairs again, in the next couple of hours this happened again and again!, a parcel for Diana and another parcel for goods that I had ordered for the shop, by now it was late afternoon and my left knee was really sore, for many years for some reason my left knee hurts when I repeatedly go up and down stairs, Diana arrived home from work so a coffee and a chat,

as it happens I was watching Lawrence of Arabia, a classic, the story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks, the film Lawrence of Arabia, a film that I could never tire of watching, even though it is over 3 hours long, great film, as an aside, on his first location scouting trip in Jordan, director Sir David Lean discovered the remains of the Turkish locomotives and railroad tracks T. E. Lawrence had destroyed during the Arab Revolution, after forty years in the sun, they hadn't even rusted, but as Diana arrived home we watched it until the intermission,
as an aside, if you are into reading this period is covered in Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence, and a good read it was too,

almost as good is a book I have, written by a friend of mine Victor Winstone as I knew him, titled Captain Shakespear, as one reviewer wrote, 'This wonderful book details just how great our influence in modern Saudi Arabia would have been if it had not been for the incompetence of the British Government', incompetence, British Government? who would have thought that? for a brief look at the life of Captain Shakespear have a look here, after our evening meal it was time for a Lewis, for some reason The Simpsons and Aussie Gold Hunters had been dropped from the schedule, after a Lewis we decided on a couple from Midsomer Murder, a dangerous place to live it appears, Radio 4 estimated the murder rate in the fictional county of
Midsomer at around 3.2 per 100,000 - more than 278 times the real rate in
England and Wales. In comparison, Inspector Morse and his sidekick Lewis, had
three for every 100,000 in their hometown of Oxford, I think we prefer living in Beckenham, and with that we were off to bed.
Dear Stand Diana
We wanted to thank you for introducing us to the UK series Midsummer Murders. We started watching a few months ago and so enjoy the stories. Our TUBI free tv here has the entire series posted and we are now on season 8, just loss Troy and now proceeding with Scott as Barnaby’s assistant. Fun shows done with qualm and many with a Hitchcock type twisted ending….so keeps us both guessing who did the deadly dead. We have suggested to others in US that they would enjoy the show and so now some others also follow it.
John and Alley
Dear John and Alley, we really both enjoy Midsomer Murders and am glad that you like it, in a similar vein we also enjoy Lewis and Endeavour, in many of the episodes Oxford is filmed as the backdrop, so as in all cases like this it is a rush to say "been there!" when there is a building, say the greenhouses in the botanical garden is featured or a hall, or even a part of the river we have punted up, we have visited, so I might suggest if you have the chance try one or two of each and see what you think, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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