with little success,
the first set we had bought only a couple of days ago, the annoying thing was they were all working but each stopped after a day or so, at first I thought it might be the extension lead so I tried a new one but the old one was working well, next the plug on the lights, but that was fine, I opened the control box and there it was, a blacked half of the inner box and some soot where it had short circuited, I tried cleaning the circuit board, but to no avail, into the bin, next the small string of lights from a few years ago, as I was taking them off the tree they just crumbled in my hands, the plastic was rotten to the core, in the bin again, the last set I think was only a year old, but despite playing with different bulbs it refused to light, again into the bin, the good news is that Slim Jim had given us two sets of lights which I placed on the tree and so far so good, but then it was time for a spot of fishing,

Diana had brought the lap top with her, she had loaded a couple of games before we left,
but food first!
clear blue skies, but with the wind it was almost a little chilly,
no luck so far,
then success, the first of the day,
Nick was not to be out done as he soon had one in the bag,
the duck called by for some bread,
I had decided to try some bread as a bait after the failure to catch a single fish last time out, so the fish and the duck had a loaf to get through,
then Nick was in to a big one,
easy does it,
and it was in the bag, well not quiet, this fish is not good eating, so back he went,
another one for the pot,
the duck had a few friends out the back of the restaurant, but it was only the same one that came out on to the lake,
then the sound of bells, the most popular mobile stall came into the fishing park, the ice cream stall,
extra chocolate sauce please!
and Diana is a happy girl,
another for me as I try to catch up Nick's score,
all to soon it was time to pay for the catch and make our way back to Nick and Maureen's, the score? a draw at 3 all,
Nick and Maureen have a lovely Christmas tree,
and we must not forget Ta-Taa,
so we relaxed with a cool beer,
it was all too much for Ta-Taa,
Diana decided to take a picture of us, Maureen had prepared a lovely meal for us, roast pork with stuffing and crackling, followed by cheese and biscuits, delicious!
then to the serious stuff, Monopoly! we have a slightly different set of rules in that once you have bought one of a colour no one else can buy any of that set, it makes the game a lot quicker,
Diana had all the luck, with just three hotels she cleaned us all out, many thanks to Nick and Maureen for giving us such a pleasant day, then as it was getting late back to 388,
we decided on A Civil Action, although we had seen it before it was still worth watching again, if for no other reason it is based on a true story, but also it is well done and thought out, Jan Schlichtmann, a tenacious lawyer, is addressed by a group of families that believe a local company has contaminated their water supply, Schlichtmann and his firm bankrupt themselves trying to prove the case, then for us off to bed.
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