Thursday 3 March 2016

We Stayed In Today,

but we did notice,

 that one of Diana's stinky cactus,

 has produced a few new buds so there will be a few flowers in a couple of days time,

 also whilst in the front yard there was a bit of building work going on,

 at the end of the street,

 in the afternoon Riza called round after a trip to the market with a saba (mackerel) for the girls to snack on,

 then in the evening a Indian for us,

 Diana had bought some chicken,

 and added it to some Indian leftovers we had,

for dessert a real treat, Diana had prepared an Eton mess, absolutely delicious, as usual when we are outside we listen the evening away to music from the 1960s through to the 1980s, then as the midnight hour approaches we were off to bed.

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