Saturday, 28 December 2024

Diana Was At Work,

so I spent most of the day sorting old photographs, 

and then played with a few removing the backgrounds, 

like this, 

and then replacing it with a black background, 

all of these photograph we took when we were in Venice

back in 2018, 

we were there for the Venice masked carnival

some of the masks were more than just flamboyant!

like this one,

adorned with peacock feathers, great fun, 

in the evening time for a sandwich,

before I was out, onto a number 54, changing buses at the war memorial,

a look up the street at the High Street Christmas decorations,

then a 227 to Penge, I was meeting Steve as usual in the Moon & Stars, we charted the night away, after saying our farewells, 

I caught a 227 to the church, 

and walked past it and then home, Diana was already asleep, another early start tomorrow, for myself a Bangers & Cash, followed by a Have I Got A Bit More News For You, before I too was off to bed.

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