Sunday, 8 December 2024

If Only UK Politicians Were As Honest As These Japanese Bankers,

Shikoku Bank, a financial institution has 23 top executives, including President Miura, 

photograph Wikimedia Commons, all signed a blood oath requiring them to commit seppuku, (ritual suicide), if found guilty of engaging in financial irregularities, embezzlement or other fraudulent activities, they literally promised to pay with their lives if found guilty of ‘financial irregularities’, oh that UK leaders would do the same! “Anyone employed by this bank who has stolen money or caused others to steal from the bank will pay for it with his or her own property and then commit suicide,” an announcement on the Shikoku Bank’s website states. “This pledge is part of a document signed and stamped in blood by all 23 employees, including President Miura, of the Thirty-seventh National Bank, the predecessor of Shikoku Bank, to ensure the proper handling of finances.” could you imagine a politician, any politician sign a document like this? no thought not!

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