Saturday, 28 December 2024

I Can Sort Of See The Rational Behind This,

a craze sweeping China, 

young ladies are having their photographs taking whist wearing fake 'baby bumps', back in October, Meizi Gege, a Generation Z influencer from China’s Hunan province, shared a pregnancy photoshoot with her 5.7 million followers on a popular social network, that way when in later life she is really expecting she can use these photograph showing that she is still slim even whilst pregnant, 

one 26-year-old woman said that she had already taken her maternity photos at 23, when she was still single, while another claimed that she had taken her premade maternity photos when she was 22, just in case she got wrinkles by age 30,

the craze started in China over a decade ago, when people started buying them as a joke or just to see what they looked like pregnant, but the products have evolved significantly in recent years and they now come in different sizes, colours and textures, allowing young women to fake various stages of pregnancy,

will this craze catch on in other county's? only time will tell!

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