A BOOZED-UP driver wrecked a £250,000 Lamborghini after a group of friends hired a fleet of supercars for a wedding. The pals, in their late 20s, necked strong cider in a pub before racing off along a country lane in three 210mph Lambo Murcielagos and a £137,000 Bentley Continental. But one lost control 600 yards from the boozer and smashed into a tree. The mangled motor – which can do 0-62mph in 3.2 seconds – rebounded into the road and blocked it, but its driver leaped out and was whisked away by his pals before police arrived. The sharp-suited group of Asian-looking men called at The Cider House in Wooton, Shrops, on Sunday evening. They told fellow drinkers they had been to a wedding reception, had hired the cars for £5,000 each for the weekend and had driven them at up to 160mph. They showed off by revving engines and performing doughnuts in the car park before roaring away. Plumber Jon Hingley, 36, said: “I was sitting having a beer and you could hear the noise of the engines coming down the road. They pulled into the car park and were showing off revving and red-lining their engines. “They were in the bar downing pints of cider and bragging about how they had been racing and one of them had got the car up to 160mph. “They were all in ties and suits like they had been to a wedding reception.” John added: “I left on my bike and they came screaming past. Then three of the cars flew back, obviously because the road was blocked by the crashed Lambo. They were driving extremely fast and dangerously. “Then I came across the car lying in the middle of the road. There were people standing round it taking bits off and sitting in it. “It was a total wreck, all smashed up down one side.” Cops are trying to trace the driver and his friends.
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