Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Behind Us There Is Some Building Work Going On,
worse still yesterday was the day the angle grinders were out in force, if you have never used one you will be amazed when you do simply for the incredible amount of very fine dust they produce when you cut anything like a tile or cement block, well all day yesterday Diana kept washing the floor to stop the dust from going every where, even with the door closed it was so fine it still got in, so I spent the day upstairs ageing the nickle steel rails,
not to every ones taste, but I like the look of an 'aged' track rather than brand new from the box,
both products give a slightly different rust look,
another few days of ballasting and it will be on with some ground cover grass and shrubs,
then feet up for A Fistful of Dollars, or Per un pugno di dollari, as it was released in I think Spain, we have seen the others but this is the first time Diana had seen this one, the first in the series, I guess pretty much everyone has seen it a great 'spaghetti' western,
then on to a much more serious film Glory, in January 1863, Secretary of War Stanton finally gave John A. Andrew, the abolitionist governor of Massachusetts, authorization to form regiments that could "include persons of African descent. . ." the governor had long been an advocate of raising black regiments from the free black population, like most abolitionists, he felt the surest path to citizenship for black Americans was for them to be allowed to fight and die for their freedom and their country,
this film with some licence is basically a true story of the 54th Massachusetts, in March 1863 they were formed and engaged in their first battle on James Island, South Carolina on 16 July 1863, and then Battery Wagner (the final battle in the film) on 18 July 1863, featured in the film black soldiers were paid $10 per month, $3 less than white soldiers, which was a fact at that time, a great movie which won 3 Oscars, watch it if you can.
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