Wednesday, 3 March 2010
I Was Having A Chat With Mick About The Spare Bag For My Vacuum Cleaner,
he suggested a place at the end of Tepprisitt where it goes to Jomtien,
so off I went, this is the view looking toward the traffic lights,
and the shop itself with a huge Makita sign outside, sure enough spares in stock, one new bag 450 baht, they had so many items in here, next time I want anything in the tool department this is where I will be going, the big outlets just do not care about keeping spare parts, lesson learned the hard way!
so on to the railway, whilst Diana carried on aging the track I tried to cover the plaster with some 'grass', from a company called Noch, that I bought from those nice people at Gauagemaster,
basically you apply glue use a puffer and spray the different colour grass on,
well it sort of looks like grass, but as this is my first attempt please cut me a bit of slack on this on this one!
then in the small places I missed first time around I added glue with a brush,
and a spray of glue for the larger areas,
then to make the grass stand up I hovered it using the new vacuum bag,
I then added some small bits of green sponge, to give the effect of small bushes,
I tried a few small trees, but they just did not look right, the ones that Diana made were much better,
Diana had finished all of the track she could reach, so I will complete the rest tomorrow,
for me as a first attempt it is starting to look good,
but still lots of work to go, tomorrow another day on the railway!
after our evening meal, Diana made baked salmon with potatoes and fresh herbs we went to the local fair, we had noticed it a few days ago on Tehprisitt,
naturally Diana was drawn straight away to the food stalls,
as with most fairs of this kind and in all of Thailand gambling is illegal, but games of chance or skill are not, so throw a dart with skill and win a prize,
but I am getting ahead of myself, back to food for Diana,
there they were, bugs! lots of them,
a 20 baht bag of those please!
with Diana happily crunching away on her bag of bugs we carried on walking around, in this game you have to land 4 balls in the correct boxes,
7 darts for 20 baht, you have to burst 7 balloons to win a prize,
I forgot, cloths stalls are also here,
for the kids there is model remote control car racing,
with slides,
rides and a bouncy castle,
now Diana gets serious about winning a cuddly toy, twice she hit 6 balloons out of 7, the suspense was killing!
but I decided on another approach, for 100 baht you get 1 dart, burst a balloon and win, that is exactly what Diana did!
on the way back to the bike a bingo game was getting under way, 'two fat ladies 88' opps! sorry I forgot, you can no longer say that in the UK,
then home feet up a few fresh strawberry's and watch a few DVD's, first this one in HD, Elizabeth, The Golden Age, great set period piece, loved the costumes and the film sets, most of which I think were shot in real palaces, thoroughly enjoyable, we followed that by 3 episodes of a year at Kew strange to talk of plants, tress and flowers as being good viewing but so far the whole series has been, we then rounded of the evening with another episode of Midsommer Murders and of to bed,

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