micro-sculptor William Wigan has a girlfriend who asked him to make a model of it,
in real life the church is in Gloucestershire,
but William's church is in the eye of a needle! starting with just a grain of sand Mr Willard uses tiny shards of glass stuck to a needle, and a brush made from one of his eyelashes to create his minute masterpieces, 'I put in some stained glass windows, the whole sculpture us the size of a full stop in a newspaper, it's quite painstaking, in fact it was driving me insane, when you're working on something so small it causes a problem if you apply too much pressure, and I've made things so small in the past that I've sometimes inhaled it.'
Mr Willard, from Birmingham, started working on small sculptures as a boy when, unhappy at school, he retreated to a fantasy world and made homes for little ants in the garden, the model is so small it cannot be seen by the naked eye, and I thought I had problems with my model railway!
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