Tuesday 10 September 2013

First Thing,

off to the bank,

 then to the Pattaya Beer Garden that is opposite for breakfast,

 the view from the walkway to the beer garden which is over the sea, looking past the water treatment plant along Pattaya bay,

 the view of the bay from our table, the Hilton almost in the centre of the picture,

 it was a bit hazy, but when ever I look at the hotel I always think that they have missed the paint on the part of the exterior that is white, 

 not only was it hazy but the wind was getting up so the Ripley's balloon was anchored close to the ground,

 Diana all smiles as we wait for our breakfast,

 one of the speedboats returning I guess from one of the pontoons that people paraglide from,

 our breakfast arrived,

 well at least part of it, we were going to share the plate of starters, whilst I had ordered chicken strips,

 whilst Diana had ordered 3 mini burgers with chips,

 as we were eating our meal in the distance came the sound of thunder,

 then a flash of lighting,

 given my fear of heights this is one thing I would not be doing,

 even more so as the clouds rolled in from inland,

 in a matter of moments blocking out the blue sky,

 we finished our meal and made our way to Friendship,

 the sky was looking ominous,

 then sure enough as we finished shopping the heavens opened up, we waited for some time, but it was obvious the rain was not going to stop any time soon,
 so it was plastic macs on, which Diana thought was hilarious,

 not so much for the front but for the Happy Kitty that was on the back, well maybe the front as well,

 as I had forgotten to do the water changes on Saturday I did them today, first the easy one,

then the larger aquarium which takes a little more time to complete,

 after our evening meal we started the evening off with a comedy, two silent films by The Two Ronnie's, we had already watched By The Sea, so now it was the turn of The Picnic, both 1980's silent humour at it's best,

 Rapa Nui is the Polynesian name for Easter Island and is also the name of the film, it is a unique film that explores the culture of the Polynesians of Easter Island and their supposed fate before the discovery of the remnants of its civilisation by the western world, why the building of the famous status stopped and the rise of the bird man rituals, (though the ritual birdman came some time after the statue building stopped) for a better a look at the fascinating history of the islands have a look here,

our next film also looked at violent history of a family murder, Capote, the legendary writer who gave us works such as Breakfast at Tiffany's, but this film chronicles the writing of a book entitled In Cold Blood, the last book he ever wrote, going back to the 4 horrific killings of the Clutter family on their farm in Holcomb, Kansas (pop.270) on November 15, 1959, Truman Capote plans to write a short piece on the story, but eventually Capote becomes almost obsessed with the story that takes him 6 years to research and write, a slow moving but very watchable thought provoking film,

well we had to lighten the mood a little so a couple from Cheers and we were off to bed.

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