Wednesday 16 July 2014

I Never Knew That Late Night Dancing,

can get you arrested in Japan,

but it can, local police in Tokyo started enforcing a very old law that had been ignored for at least half a century, “Dancing is not a crime,” pointed out Ryo Isobe, a music writer from Tokyo, “But the current situation can easily make people believe that dancing is a crime, under this law, there are almost no legal nightclubs in Japan, all-night dance parties are against the law.”

the law states that, venues must have at least 66 square meters of unobstructed floor space for dancing, they also need to make sure that all dancing stops at 1 am, which the law says is the curfew, failure to comply with the rules could get club owners into serious trouble, including getting thrown in jail for weeks, or having their businesses closed down,

according to critics, the reason for the bizarre change in the police force’s attitude is that they’re trying to use the decades-old law to crack down on gangsters, this way, they don’t need to waste time getting warrants for drug searches,

but as you might expect there are ways to get around this law, it is not illegal to go kneading, that's right place some plastic bags filled with udon dough on the floor, remove shoes and knead away, so you’re not dancing, you’re actually kneading dough! after you finish kneading at the Techno Udon the staff there will cut and boil your udon for you to satisfy your hunger after a night of dancing kneading, 

the law was created in 1948 to regulate places of entertainment in Japan, the Japanese government is planning to change this old law by next year, but I wonder if kneading parties will continue after the ban is lifted?

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