Monday 31 December 2018

“I Shall Not Live Again. It Is As Unlikely That I Shall Live Again As That A Tree Will Grow Out Of My Body.”

and guess what happened?

well you are sort of correct, not one but four trees grew out of her body, it happened like this, Anne Grimston was a wealthy women, the daughter of an Earl, and lived and died in Hertfordshire, England over 300 years ago, throughout her life she never believed in Higher Power and the possibility of life after death, but, although she was known to her friends as a staunch atheist, she prided herself on keeping up appearances, and so, every Sunday, she dutifully attended church services in St. Alban, 

it is unclear what happened to Lady Anne to make her lose her faith, but records show that both of her children died at an early age; her son, Edward, died in infancy while a daughter, Mary, died at the age of nine, enough perhaps to make anyone loose faith, so on her death bed she made the statement above, now it gets strange, despite the attempts of builders to rectify the grave the trees just grew, for a fuller story have a look here, The Story of Lady Anne Grimston.

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